Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tugas Penerjemahan Berbantu Komputer

US District Judge Derrick Watson cited "questionable evidence" in the government's argument that the ban was a matter of national security.

Hakim Distrik AS Derrick Watson yang dikutip "bukti dipertanyakan" dalam argumen pemerintah bahwa larangan itu merupakan masalah keamanan nasional.

Hakim Distrik AS Derrick Watson menyebutkan “Bukti yang meragukan” dalam argument pemerintahnya bahwa larangan tersebut merupakan masalah keamanan nasional.

President Trump described the ruling as "unprecedented judicial overreach".

Presiden Trump menggambarkan keputusan itu sebagai "melampaui batas peradilan belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya".

Presiden Trump mengatakan keputusan tersebut sebagai “ keputusan aneh peradilan yang melampaui batas”.

The order would have placed a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim nations and a 120-day ban on refugees

Pesanan akan ditempatkan larangan 90-hari pada orang-orang dari enam negara mayoritas Muslim dan larangan 120-hari di pengungsi

Perintah tersebut berisi larangan masuk AS selama 90-hari untuk orang orang dari 6 negara mayoritas muslim dan larangan masuk 120-hari untuk pengungsi.

Mr Trump insists the move is to stop terrorists from entering the US but critics say it is discriminatory.

Mr Trump menegaskan langkah ini untuk menghentikan teroris memasuki AS tapi kritikus mengatakan itu adalah diskriminatif

Presiden Trump menegaskan langkah ini untuk menghentikan para teroris memasuki AS tetapi kritikus mengatakan hal itu adalah diskriminatif.

An earlier version of the order, issued in late January, sparked confusion and protests, and was blocked by a judge in Seattle.

Versi awal dari urutan, yang dikeluarkan pada akhir Januari, memicu kebingungan dan protes, dan diblokir oleh seorang hakim di Seattle.

Perintah versi pertama, dikeluarkan pada akhir Januari, hal ini memicu kekacauan dan protes, dan telah di blokir oleh seorang hakim di Seattle.

Speaking at a rally in Nashville, Tennessee on Wednesday evening, Mr Trump said the ruling in Hawaii made the US "look weak". He said he would take the case "as far as it needs to go" including to the Supreme Court, adding: "We're going to win."

Berbicara di sebuah reli di Nashville, Tennessee pada Rabu malam, Mr Trump mengatakan putusan di Hawaii membuat AS "terlihat lemah". Dia mengatakan ia akan mengambil kasus "sejauh perlu untuk pergi" termasuk ke Mahkamah Agung, menambahkan: ". Kami akan menang"

Pada rapat umum yang diadakan di Nashville, Tennesy rabu siang, Presiden Trumph mengatakan bahwa keputusan di Hawai membuat US "terlihat lemah" , ia berkata bahwa dirinya akan mengambil tindakan "jika hal tersebut diperlukan" termasuk ke Mahkamah Agung, dan kami akan menang, tambah Trumph.

Hawaii is one of several US states trying to stop the ban

Hawaii adalah salah satu dari beberapa negara bagian AS berusaha menghentikan larangan

Hawai adalah salah satu dari beberapa negara bagian di AS yang berusaha menghentikan tindakan pencekalan.

Lawyers had argued that the ban would violate the US constitution by discriminating against people on the grounds of their national origin.

Pengacara berpendapat bahwa larangan itu akan melanggar konstitusi AS dengan diskriminasi terhadap orang dengan alasan asal nasional mereka.

Pengacara berpendapat bahwa larangan itu akan melanggar konstitusi AS dengan mendiskriminasi orang berdasarkan asal negara mereka.

The state also said the ban would harm tourism and the ability to recruit foreign students and workers.

Negara juga mengatakan larangan akan merugikan pariwisata dan kemampuan untuk merekrut mahasiswa asing dan pekerja

Negara juga mengatakan larangan ini akan merugikan kepariwisataan dan kemampuan untuk merekrut para pelajar dan para pekerja asing.


                                                2. LIA ALBARIZAH (14613970)
                                                3. MARSYA NURISSA (15613313)
                                                4. RIZKI (17613905)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Exercise 4


1.      Zoos in New Orleans, San Diego, Detroit, and the Bronx have become biological
parks where animals roams free and people watch from across a moat.
B                           C                                 D

 The answer is C. It should be roam free because the word animals is plural.

2.      George has not completed the assignment yet,  and Maria hasn’t neither
A                                 B             C                             D

The answer is D. It should be has neither because neither is stands for not either so the “not” in hasn’t is not necessary.

3.      Hanny enjoyed to be able to meet several Congress members during her vacation.
          A           B               C                                                        D

The answer is A. It should be being because the to be is change into being.

4.      No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about
      A                                       B         C
the guest speaker.
The answer is B. It should be had told because the sentence is in “if” conditional type 3

5.      Marie has registered for both the afternoon anthropology class as well as
             A                                                                                      B
the evening sociology lecture.
C               D

The answer is D. It should be evening sociology class because it is parallel with anthropology class.

6.      Compact discs are affected neither by scratching and by dust.
       A       B                   C                    D
The answer is D. It should be nor because neither is paired with nor.

7.      Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, then woven or knit
    A                         B                     C          D
into fabrics.

The answer is D. It should be knitted because it should be in past participle form.

8.      Henry David Thoreau stressed the importance in individuality and of living
       A                                                  B
in harmony with nature.
         C                  D
The answer is  A. It should be the importance of because it is parallel.

9.      The coach was depending for his team to win the game so that they would have a
    A                             B                       C
chance to play in the Super Bowl.
The answer is A. It should be depending on because depend is a verb with specified preposition.

10.  According to Freud, mental life is characterized by internal conflicts who are largely
            A                                                         B                                             C               D

The answer is C. It should be which because it refers to mental life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Exercise 3



1.Daniel said that if he had to do  homework tonight, he wouldn’t have been
         A   B                     C
able to attend  the concert.

2.Peter had already saw  that musical before  he  read  the reviews about it.
A B      C D

A is the wrong answer. The correct answer is had already seen because after had must be followed by Verb 3.

3.Almost all  books have a few errors in them in spite of  the care taken to check
      A     B           C
its  froof pages before the final printing.

C is the wrong answer. The correct answer is taker because in spite of should be followed by noun.

4.Tom and his sister studied biology in this university last year, and so does
        A B     C                           D

D is the wrong answer. The correct answer is so did Jean because the first clause is past so the second clause should be past.

5.The examination will test  your ability to understand spoken English, to
A      B
readnon-technical language, and writing  correctly.
C         D

C is the wrong answer. The correct answer is write because the first clause use verb 1 so the second clause should be verb 1.

6.The sooner  you leave,  the earliest  you will  arrive at your destination.
       A     B          C   D

C is the wrong answer. The correct answer is earlier because the answer should be parallel to first word (sooner).

7.If Rudy would have studied  German in college, he wouldn’t have found the
A       B
scientific terminology so difficult to understand.
      C    D

A is the wrong answer. The correct answer is had studied because the pair of formula wouldn’t have passed is had + Verb 3.

8.After she had bought  herself  a new automobile, she sell  her bicycle.
A    B   C D

D is the wrong answer. The correct answer is would have sold because the pair of formula had bought is would have + Verb 3.

9.He isn’t driving  to the convention in March, and  neither they are.
     A         B  C     D

D is the wrong answer because the first statement is negative, and the answer must be they either

10.John went to the mountains on his vacation, and  we   had gone  too.
A B     C        D
D is the wrong answer. The correct one is did.

Exercise 2



Fill in the blanks by using the right preposition!  (ΓΈ, in,on,at next to, or under)

1.The students were already sitting ______on_________ the table waiting for the test
paper to be given.

Because one of the function of Preposition “On”  is used to express a surface of something, in this case preposition “On” used to express a surface of a table

2.I asked the old lady standing ___ next to me____________ me ______on______the bus where I should get out.

Because “next to” preposition used to explain a position of something or somebody and preposition “on”  in “on the bus” because anything considered to have a large floor space use on as the preposition.

3.John bought his shoes _______in______ a sport store_____on___ Kencana street.

Because in is used  when we explain a specific place (a sport store) while on is used when we explain a general place (Kencana street)

4.Billy  stood___in___line for twenty minutes _____at____ the ticket window ___in___the drama theater to get tickets for the play.

Because in used when talking about specific time or place (line for twenty minutes)
Because at used when talking about position (the ticket window)

 5.My grandmother died _____at___the age of 80.

Because at is used when we explain about the time being of something.

6.I live ____in_____Bengawan Street no.54A, South Jakarta . I moved there ____on___ December 14, 1995.
Because in is used when we explain about a certain location and on is used when we explain about date, month, or year.

7.We were really worried____at___ first because the library was closed_____on____Saturday, so we couldn't find that book refference. But ____in___ the end, everything worked out because we were able to find it ___in_____John”s home..

Because preposition “at” used to point out the specific time (at first) , “on” for the specify days or dates ( Saturday ), “in” for a specific time (in the end), and “in” for the specific place (John’s home)

8.Betty began working on the translation project_______last week. and she can finish it___on___ Thursday.

Because preposition “on” used to specify days and days ( Thursday )

9.Tom’s grandfather, who really famous, was _______in____ the painting which was hanging ___on____the wall.

Because preposition “in” used to explain the picture in the painting
Because “on” used to express a surface of something

10.George had his ticket _____on_____________ his hand as he gets into the theater.
Because “on” used to indicate a part of body